About Me
I wanted to provide a small snap shot of what makes me tick? What motivates me? I love life and have been truly blessed with exceptional friends and a loving family and embrace challenges and adventures to help me grow and experience more. How much is nature and how much is nurture is part of the greater debate but i approach all things with a can do attitude, in business, in my adventures and making the most of life.
As i have got older the little voice in my head repeatedly reminds me there are no reruns and that i should try and make a difference to others where i can. I honestly feel that Inspired Life is my calling, to share inspiration with young people and communities, and the best use of my god given talent. It also makes sense of the hours spent studying for three degrees as a non accademic and outdoor person.
My feet are firmly rooted to the floor, i am nothing special but i do dare to dream, make plans and learn from my many mistakes.
Hope you find ideas and inspiration for your goals amongst my words
Richard Matheson Harpham